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The Love Survey
My research proposal passed ethics committee review and scrutiny by my dissertation committee. I am now authorized to begin data collection. Will you help me?
Are you in a romantic relationship? Research Study Volunteers Needed.
I am a doctoral student working on my Ph.D dissertation in the General Psychology Program at Capella University. I am currently collecting data for a study that involves examining the factors of romantic relationships (intimacy, passion, and commitment) and how they relate to satisfaction. Please consider participating in this dissertation study - Intimacy, Passion, and Commitment as Predictors of Couple's Relationship Satisfaction. It is my hope that this research will assist in furthering psychological research about love theories.
Eligibility requirements are:
1) At least 18 years old of age.
2) Live in the United States
3) English-Speaking
4) Currently in a heterosexual, steady couple’s relationship
5) Internet Access
The survey takes about 10-20 minutes to complete and is unpaid. Participation is completely confidential. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this study and you may withdraw from the survey at any point.
For more information or to participate in this research opportunity, please click on the following link: or go straight to the survey by clicking SURVEY
Thank you!
Doreen Lewis
10/25/2010 10:21:00 AM
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P.S. Could you ask your friends and colleagues to take the survey? They just need to go to to link to the online survey. Thank you for all your help!
#15 is somewhat insulting to me. I do not earn money, but I do not consider myself unemployed. I spend my days raising my daughter, cooking, cleaning and perform A LOT of volunteer work on adaily basis. Although I do not get paid, I do a lot of work. I do not consider not getting paid for what I do to be "choosing to be unemployed."
#21/#22 all of the money in our home is our money, regardless of whose name is on the check. You ask a question later on about the willingness to share resources, but this question causes people to divide resources. From day one, we never split money and probably never will. Everyone I know that splits money ends up fighting over money to the point of hatred.
#23 why do all the elasticities revolve around some sort of hispanic definition? there are umpteen ethnic groups in the country and several have nothong to do with being hispanic or central american.
#24 this one REALLY gets me. If black people get to be "African American" then I want to be "Caucasian" or "European American" not white. I'm not white, I'm a sort of pinkish eggshell with some freckles tossed in....
Can tell why survey people HATE calling our house, can't you?
I'll pass your link along.
#15 "unemployed by choice" means "not working and not in the labor force"... It is not a judgment on a person, it is a statistical demographic.
#21/#22 - Not all survey participants live together, or are married, or share expenses. This a statistic which doesn't even calculate "net worth" -- someone could have zero income and live off of interest in a mansion... again, it's just a statistic. As for the question regarding "sharing resources" -- this was a philosophical question about "what's mine is yours" and exactly as you say.... many people divided do not have intimacy (by the way, that survey instrument is not my design... it's a validated tool used in research).
#23 & #24 - guess where those questions came from? The 2010 U.S. census bureau. Ethnicity is viewed as either Hispanic or Not of Hispanic descent.. period. Race refers to the place of origin... and there is much argument about the term "white" -- point taken. I didn't reinvent the demographic questions... these are validated data collection categories. Research is always in progress and improving. There is a huge movement right now w regards to the census and collection of race info.
Hey, Girlfriend... I adore you and always appreciate your thoughts. You are so important to me! Thank you for taking the survey and your honesty.
I feel cheated that i cant do it :(
Anonymous, Why can't you?
cos I is English you daft bint its me manky mavis
i participated. best of luck on your research.
i understand about the canned data Q's, but it's important to point out flaws. It's still terribly hypocritical to consider someone who isn't paid as "unemployed" and it's just downright ignorant of them on the hispanic and white issues. I've taken about 5 classes on research methods and data gathering and analysis, so i understand the Q's and even the whys, but that doesn't make it any less ignorant.
Several years ago the tests used to determine a child's status as qualifying for special ed or not were challenged because some of the Q's were downright narrow-minded. there was a picture of a woman in an apron vacuuming and they asked the children who the lady was. Some said "mom" some said "grandma" and some said "maid" etc. all depending on their lifestyles. The answer to the question happened to be mother. but really, the picture could have been nearly any of the above. However, points are only awarded for "correct" answers, so some kids were cheated out of higher scores (and possible denial of special ed services) b/c they named the picture wrong. This is actually a common issue with standardized tests, hence the constant revision. We have to catch each other because of "groupthink" some of the dumbest crap makes it past review boards as a good idea.
i think it's important to question silly or downright stupid or even biased things because someone needs to. I understand that you had to work with what you had to work with, but the government definitions would fail any sociology 100 class in a heartbeat.
BTW i made several people I know who are americans in relationships take your survey.
good luck!
i understand about the canned data Q's, but it's important to point out flaws. It's still terribly hypocritical to consider someone who isn't paid as "unemployed" and it's just downright ignorant of them on the hispanic and white issues. I've taken about 5 classes on research methods and data gathering and analysis, so i understand the Q's and even the whys, but that doesn't make it any less ignorant.
Several years ago the tests used to determine a child's status as qualifying for special ed or not were challenged because some of the Q's were downright narrow-minded. there was a picture of a woman in an apron vacuuming and they asked the children who the lady was. Some said "mom" some said "grandma" and some said "maid" etc. all depending on their lifestyles. The answer to the question happened to be mother. but really, the picture could have been nearly any of the above. However, points are only awarded for "correct" answers, so some kids were cheated out of higher scores (and possible denial of special ed services) b/c they named the picture wrong. This is actually a common issue with standardized tests, hence the constant revision. We have to catch each other because of "groupthink" some of the dumbest crap makes it past review boards as a good idea.
i think it's important to question silly or downright stupid or even biased things because someone needs to. I understand that you had to work with what you had to work with, but the government definitions would fail any sociology 100 class in a heartbeat.
BTW i made several people I know who are americans in relationships take your survey.
good luck!
I did it!
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