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So I Bought Myself This to Assuage My Madness...

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How come the kids are NEVER home when I get home with bags that need to be carried into the house? Seems. And God forbid I should make more than ONE trip from the car to the kitchen carrying all the groceries. I always overload my arms with heavy bags and fumble for the door knob while I sway and bumble through the house like some drunkard who can't walk a straight line. Sometimes I twist and strain my back, and sometimes I have to pee so bad (because I never STOP to pee, especially in public, but usually until it's really really BAD)... that I end up dropping all the bags in a pile to run to the bathroom. Why don't I just once and for all grow up and stop some of these really obnoxious behaviors of mine? Oh, OK... I think I will stop the madness. But I'll be damned if I'm going to make two trips to bring in the groceries.

So.. see the pic of the home jumbo foldable shopping cart? This is my new saner solution to bringing in the groceries. I ordered the cart from Walmart for $24 (shipping is 97 cents). I'm very excited about my new purchase and I don't care if you think it's a geeky thing... it's going to come in real handy and this just makes my day. I love the idea of improving my life a bit.


mavis sidebottom said...

congratulations you are now one step away from a walking frame and incontinence knickers

Brenda said...

i feel the same way about hauling in the groceries. i try to make it all in one trip,and i usually hurt myself. the key is always in the wrong hand, the plastic handle on the soda cuts into my fingers. i like to grocery shop. i hate putting it all away and bringing it in. good luck with your cart. ;)

doreenmary said...

LOL, Alex.

doreenmary said...

Yes, Spidey... Hauling groceries in is VERY dangerous. And here's another kicker... you grocery shop BEFORE you cleaned out the fridge full of leftovers and crap so there's no room for the new stuff and if you're tired AND injured AND have to pee all at the same time, if can result in a "shove it all in the fridge" Fest. It's hell I tell ya.

I'll keep ya posted on this new modern day convenience cart I bought.

Jilly said...

i had one of those when I lived on the 20th floor. We'd park in the underground garage, get the bags walk the football field length to the elevator. wait 12 mins for the elevator and ride to the 20th floor and then walk the football field length to the door. Getting all the bags in one trip was important, otherwise it could take 45 mins. just make sure you put all the grocers in the bottom of the trunk with the cart on top, or you'll have issues, especailly in the the rain. on a more postive note, i haven't had ot use that thing in years b/c we moved to a 1st floor apartment and then got a house. i LOVE the shopping totes instead of bags. bags always break just as you get the door open. i can usually get all my groceries for into 2-3 totes but i take 2 trips. One for the food and one for the kid and purse and baby bags etc. i still can't lift over 50 lbs without my right arm losing feeling for several hours.



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