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The Psychology of Your Chosen Ringtone.... Thoughts?

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I just changed my ringtone to Night Fever by the Bee Gees. And while I have no doubt that the Snarky Mavis Sideburn (among others) will have something cutesy to say 'bout that, I am interested to know what your ringtone is. Maybe it's stereotyping or psychobabble... (or maybe I just don't don't feel like doing important work in this moment so I'll blog instead).... but I do think you can tell a lot about someone from their ringtone. Post yours -- why did you pick that sound? and let's interpret....


Brenda said...

i don't have a ringtone. mine is on vibrate. what does that say about me?
on the chance that i do need to have it ring, it is the old fashioned ring of a telephone. no song. just a ring.

Roger D. Curry said...

Recall my son works as a paramedic. His company recently banned people from having musical ringtones. Seems he was working a cardiac arrest when someone called him. His ringtone? "Knock, knock, knockin' on Heaven's door."

doreenmary said...

Roger... that's a knee slapper! Har Har Har!

doreenmary said...

Spidey... this is VERY telling about you. You do not wish to be obtrusive or offending. You place far greater importance on the people you are presently with in the flesh. I'd bet you find it rude if someone takes a call while they are dining or in a meeting with you... and that texting is rude when you're with someone. A vibrating sound is polite and low key. You're not the kind of a girl who wants (OR NEEDS) to be a big shot or call attention to herself. You stand on your own and you are all about what's right and good.

How's that?

mavis sidebottom said...

mine is the standard ring ring

doreenmary said...

Alex, clearly you are repressing your inner sexual goddess. And I think I'm right about that. I've seen the shoes you buy. There's something wild inside of you that you haven't unleashed. Someday your ringtone will be more reflective of who you really are. I think a good ring tone for you would be "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield. Link:

Anonymous said...

youd be shocked if I told you the truth doreen ;)

Anonymous said...

you are way out with that song as my ring tone if I had a song that summed me up it would be Laid By james

Melissa The Ragamuffin said...

I have multiple ringtones.

Usually, my main ring tone is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but right now it's the theme from Halloween. I'm thinking of changing it to the Wonderpets song that starts, "The phone. The phone is ringing..."

When my friend Don calls me it plays Bad Company. When Bubba calls me it plays Bawitdaba. When Ye Ol' Evil Part Time Job calls it plays Take This Job and Shove It.

mavis sidebottom said...

if I were to have a song as a theme tune it would be Laid by James

Jilly said...

my phone is set to whatever came with the phone. i don't care enough to change the ring to anything, and i really don't care to pay for the ring to be anything different either. also, i don't get calls that often. my phone is really for me to make calls if i need to and people who want to contact me know this and either e-mail me or call me at home. i did teach myself how to transfer my itunes into my verizion phone all by myself (without having to remove the music card like the verizon dolts said i'd have to). and that really comes in handy when my ipod dies or when i go running with my friend (Who doesn't have an ipod) so we can both listen to music. talking isn't easy when you run, so the music helps.


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