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Happy Birthday to Me.... 46 Years Old

First, in response to your comments to blog entry about Seeking the Quiet, my post earlier this week.... thanks for the kind words and the funny ones, too. It always fascinates that those who are in touch with my writing/ramblings seem to recognize the cyclical nature of my emotional side in tune with the tides and life cycle of a woman. For those concerned that you will miss the ramblings of a whore-moanal woman.... fret not, for as I understand it from my doctor, in a hysterectomy in which the ovaries are left intact, that all stays. So, things shouldn't change terribly after my surgery on Monday. I'm all set and cleared for the operation.

Today is my birthday... it is not a milestone birthday other than I am on the closer side to 50 now instead of 40, and that's notable, I suppose. Will be layin' low at home, choosing a quiet celebration.

Hey.... some great news to share! Kelly got accepted to Eckerd College! She is entering the pre dental program in the fall. I am very proud and we have much to which look forward.

More later....


Anonymous said...

if she ever wants to practice dental implants Im willing to be her guinea pig.
so what tatto are you getting for your birthday?

Brenda said...

happy birthday doreen. i hope it is all you hope for. ;)

p.s. 50 isn't so bad, so don't be afraid to be closer to it than 40.

sheila222 said...

Doreen, you will feel so much better following your surgery. Trust me. And it will take more than two days to recover, but honestly, within a week you will feel so much better. I'll be thinking of you Monday. Good Luck.

Jilly said...

i hope you feel better after the operation and take time to do something nice for yourself for your birthday. congrats on the article.


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