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Post-Op Reflections.

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I survived. I won't give you the hairy scary details and bore you to death, but here's a summary of some of my "take-aways" from this experience...

  • Good nurses make all the difference. Jesus, what a hard job that must be.
  • You find out who loves you (and who doesn't give a shit) when you are going through something like this. And the answers are not what you thought.
  • Heroic acts by friends far and near come in small packages and are often tiny acts of kindness.
  • By comparison (this being my first surgery)... I learned it is harder (for me) to be a loved one of someone having surgery than being the one getting the surgery.
  • Physical pain isn't nearly as bad as fear, in and of itself
  • Peeing is special... especially after not being able to do so.
  • Chihuahuas are easily offended when you don't let them pounce on your belly
  • Emails can wait.

So these are my thoughts for the day. I have a follow-up doc visit at 1:00 today. That's the news.


sheila222 said...

Glad you are well enough to blog,, you been on my mind.

Anonymous said...

You'll be back in your bikini before you know it.

Jilly said...

glad to hear from you, i was starting to worry. hope all the soreness and tenderness flies out the window soon and hey, you probably lost a few lbs just from them taking your fibroids and uterus out, so there's a plus, right?

Brenda said...

happy to know you are on your way to recovery. take it easy.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're on the mend! When I had my appendix out Angus the Cat seemed to sense that my stomach was injured and stayed off of it, but was by my side constantly.

Anonymous said...

New post are you doing?

Brenda said...

where are you woman? ;)


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