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Today is Palm Sunday. Today is also my father's birthday. Here's a pic of him circa 1980 as I best remember him. He would have turned 69 if he lived. I miss him greatly and fondly remember the last Palm Sunday we had together in 2001, two months before he passed.

Daddy loved Sundays. "A day of rest," he called it.

I remember I used to say to him, "How can you just SIT there and lounge around all day long like that?"

He'd say, "Happiness is the absence of unhappiness."

He was a gentle, peaceful loving man who knew how to connect with hearts of all. He'd say, "I can hang with the princes or the paupers," and he still would find comaradarie among all. I miss him hugely. And if I weren't so stubborn, I'd honor him this day and REST instead of work.

Is Sunday YOUR day of rest? Blessings on Palm Sunday to you!


Brenda said...

sunday is the day i do what i want. sometimes it is work, sometimes it is not. that's what makes it special. i have the choice!


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